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The International Travel Writers Alliance provides key information in a no frills format professionals who
travel to write, broadcast or create images

There are currently over 7,000 professional travel writers, broadcasters and photographers in the Alliance with our numbers growing as the role of the Alliance becomes more well known.

Membership of the Alliance

There is no constraining membership criteria or application process for membership to the Alliance
and no fee for joining.

The guiding principle is that someone seeking Alliance membership should have a genuine and professional interest in travelling to write, broadcast or create images.

This allows us to welcome members of all ages and experience and those who have an interest in travelling to write, broadcast or create images on a wide range of subject matter.

Membership initiatives

The Alliance supports its members and the travel industry by undertaking a range of initiatives.
Please use left menu to see details of initiatives we provide

Please contact us if you are interested in working with the International Travel Writers Alliance.